
Pods are the smallest deployable units you'll create in Kubernetes. We already know what a pod is, so let's go ahead and create a pod.

Navigate to the simple-pod directory:

cd bootstrapping-with-kubernetes-examples/deploy/simple-pod

The pod.yaml file in this directory contains the following configuration (I've updated the labels here):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: simple-pod
    env: dev
    app: simple-restapi-server
  - name: apiserver
    image: rutush10/simple-restapi-server-py:v0.0.1
    - containerPort: 8000
        memory: "64Mi"
        cpu: "250m"
        memory: "128Mi"
        cpu: "500m"

To create the pod, run:

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

To check if the pod is running, run:

kubectl get pods

It should give the following output:

$ kubectl get pods
simple-pod   1/1     Running   0          60m

Understanding the pod manifest

Now let's understand the specifications in the pod.yaml file:

  • apiVersion: This field specifies where the object is defined. In this case, it's defined in the v1 version of the Kubernetes API. This field is mandatory for all Kubernetes objects as it helps the API server to locate the object definition.
  • kind: This field specifies the type of object you're creating. In this case, it's a Pod.
  • metadata: This field specifies the additional metadata that should be associated with the pod.
    • name: This field specifies the name of the pod. In this case, it's simple-pod.
    • labels: This field specifies the labels attached to the pod. Labels are key-value pairs that can be used to filter and select resources. In this case, the pod is labeled with env: dev and app: simple-restapi-server.
  • spec: This field specifies the desired configuration of the pod.
    • containers: This is a list of containers that should be run in the pod. In this case, there's only one container named nginx. For every container you specify in the pod, the following fields are mandatory:
      • name: This field specifies the name of the container. In this case, it's apiserver.
      • image: This field specifies the image that should be used to create the container. In this case, it's rutush10/simple-restapi-server-py:v0.0.1.
      • ports: This field specifies the ports that should be exposed by the container. In this case, the container is exposing port 8000.
      • resources: This field specifies the resource requirements and limits for the container. In this case, the container requires a minimum of 64Mi memory and 250m CPU and can use a maximum of 128Mi memory and 500m CPU.

To simply say, we are telling Kubernetes to create a pod named simple-pod with a single container named apiserver that runs the rutush10/simple-restapi-server-py:v0.0.1 image and exposes port 8000. The pod is also labeled with env: dev and app: simple-restapi-server.

You can read more about the pod spec here.

Cleaning up

To delete the pod, run:

kubectl delete -f pod.yaml


In this section, you learned how to create a pod in Kubernetes. You saw how to write a pod manifest and create a pod using kubectl. You also learned about the different fields in the pod manifest and what they mean.